Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway.""

Does everyone freak out when it comes to driving in snow??!! And when you go out and your toes get all numb cuz the watery, cold snow is all in your shoes...And when someone else's driving and they're trying to have fun by making the car slip on the snow?!! And the whole concept of being cold and everything??!! These make you freak out too, right??!! I mean it's not just me..
Whyyy god has made the snow??!! What's with this cold weather and come on what's wrong with those happy people who are just smiling for having snow??!! And now I don't know which one's more on my nerves.. The cold weather OR the happy people!!!!!
Come on, we don't need to be happy all the time and it is OK to say you don't like something sometimes!!!!!!
Always happy, always optimistic people: you exasperate me and please stop it!!!
It's not even a month since I wrote the "spring in winter" and you saw how happy and thankful I was and this is not fair!!!
You sleep and next morning you just see without any big announcement or anything the whole city is white, which makes you shiver even when you watch it from inside!!!
I wanna move to somewhere warm.. Somewhere to lye down on the hot stones under the sun, just like snakes, and think of snow flakes as a fiction!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

yeah..there is a place by that description for you! UAE…..more specific United Arab Emirates

Azin said...

oh yeah?? having u here as my palm tree already give me the feeliung i'm there lol
peace back;)