Tuesday, June 05, 2007

When Everyhting Goes Wrong!!!

Yesterday was my first day of being super productive.. Woke up early to go out cycling with a friend to start our day fresh..
It was rainy but we were like nothing's gonna stop us.. So we went to this park which has lots of small wooden bridges.. On one of those cute bridges I felt I'm speeding too much.. So thought it's not a bad idea to slow down cuz I didn't want to fall down! As soon as I grabbed that brake handle thingy my bike slid off and the next thing I remember was that I, like those cool professional break dancers, was spinning on the asphalt road.. I don't wanna get into details about what has happened to my poor knees but sounds like no more skirts for quite a while!
Then I had to go to this job agency, or at least that's what I thought about them! Wasted 4 hours of my precious time to figure out they don't find you a job they find "How to Write Resume" classes for you!
I called my sister who's going to Iran for couple of months in a week to see when i could see her.. And still don't know what happened that she convinced (made is quite bossy and I never ever let the world knows what a bossy sister I have) me to go there and make everyone food Anddd to make everyone happy she called my other sister and invite them over as well!
I mean I love being around them just don't get it how I ended up cooking for 9 people!
Finally I went home to get ready to go to my friend's to practice for the drawing class we've enrolled.. My brother needed the car and basically I had to wait for one of the girls to give me a ride back home.. But she was sooooo excited about our practice session that didn't leave till 1:00 am!
Finally got home and gush I was tired!
To make my fun day complete, at 5 in the morning the fire alarm started beeping.. And I still don't know WHY it should always be early in the morning for those freaking devices to beep.. It always should be somewhere between 3-7 am.. ALWAYSSSS!
Anyways when I woke up this morning I realized I cannot move any part of my body since the whole body aches!
I'm telling you some people are not born to be productive, they're here to be fun, sexy and beautiful :)


Anonymous said...

vali dokhatr ajab beef stroganoffi bood....hanooz mazash zire dandooname....kei beshe ati bargarde o dobare majboor shi ye chizi dorost koni....be aberoorizi too webloget miarzeh ;)

Azin said...

u don't need her... u guys are coming here in 2 hours for DINNER!!! rings the bell?? lol