Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When you like your work place and every one's so friendly and likable it's kinda hard to pick your favorite.. But I think so far our Spanish Cleaning Guy is my #1. The whole thing started the very first day I met him: He was teaching Sandra, our receptionist, Spanish and asked me if I'm Spanish and I explained to him very clearly that I'm not!! Since then he keeps talking Spanish to me as soon as he sees me!!! Being 100% positive he totally understood I'm Persian not Spanish, I bet he just does that to put me in my "I-Don't-Know" Position...
You know how some people's expression's really funny when they don't know what's going on? I think I'm one of them.. My eyes widen with confusion, my mouth drops open and I remain silent to figure out what's going on.. And sounds like our Cleaning Guy has found a way to make his day by making me look dumb!!!
Now why he's my favorite??!! I just like his spirit.. Some people make the best out of everyhting.. I don't care if he does that by making me look dumb.. The guy has a great sense of humor which counts and I simply appreciate that!!!! And more importantly (VERY SECRETLY) I'm learning Spanish with the hope that one day I'll be able to answer him back in Sapnish and Hopefully Hopefullyyyy I'll see my dumb expression in his face;)

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