Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm not 33, I'm 18 with 15 years experience!

So it all started when one of my favorite 1st graders told me he wished I was his mom! Now what annoys me is that we've got plenty of young and beautiful staffs whom our students have been desiring and lining up to marry them. And now me to be a mom, instead of the hot stuff to marry?? (I know, I know.. As the principal I should feel relief that I'm not regarded as sex object, but the feeling still hurts!)
I always used to be among the youngests while working, but now excluding some of the teachers that are quite agey, I'm the oldest and you've got it right, I hate it!
 And that’s when the irresistible happened; my desire to lie about my age.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother’s love.

Is it possible that god might forget to give some of us things that normally should be in us? I mean seriously, let's think about it: desire for beauty, biological clock, mothers' unconditional love, etc, etc.
These are all the must have apps in a human system.. 
Now what worries me is that while I was waiting patiently in line for wisdom while god was making us, there's a slight chance I might have been left alone and someone else, most probably my sister, got my share of mother love everyone talks about. 
I mean don't get me wrong.. Dealing with kids is something beyond amazing.. You should work with them to know what I mean..
But having them all the time for myself, not only is not appealing at all, it hurts every inch of my heart. I don't know why they say a woman is blossoming while pregnant; life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside. When I see a friend pregnant I do all I can to congratulate them instead of holding them tight and let them know it's gonna be alright and how sorry I am for them.
Then one of my sisters, the suspected mother love thief of mine,  has started freaking me out reminding me I don't know what I'm missing without a child.. Now I'm just not sure if it is OK to tell her what she is missing that has a child! Should I remind her of my free mind and spirit and soul that all I need to worry about is if my husband's gonna lose weight for our next vacation including sea, sun and sex or should I let it be?