Sunday, March 01, 2009

You Can't Teach People to be Lazy - Either They Have It, or They Don't.”

I've bought a treadmill.. In this country you don't need to move at all to get your job done.. Everything can be done by a simple phone call.. To convenience store to send you ice-cream and yogurt, to the manicurist/pedicurist to stop by your place and do your nails and hair! To this lady who brings you fried onion, vegetables, everything so you just mix them for dinner.. And we always wonder why non-Persians call us lazy! That's how we're brought up dude! I'm not gonna lie to you guys.. I loveeee it..
But it made me a bit concerned when my brother warned me if I go on like this my ass would get the shape of the bed!!
That's why I bout a treadmill.. Now my family members enjoy the scene of an almost dead girl, sweating and running on this monster just cuz in less than a month I'm going to Bali and I need my confidence back!


Anonymous said...

hun,hamishe vaghti yek neveshtaro mikhondam be nevisandash fekr nemikardam.... vali alan in tajrobaro daram ke ba fekr kardan be to neveshtehaye zibat baram tabdil be zibatarinha shod

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I didnt want to be seen in mynatural shape. To be continued.