Thursday, May 10, 2007

You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do!!!

Isn't that amazing?? As soon as I'm done with all the exams it's finally sunny, warm and beautiful outside.. You know what it means?? It means that god still loves me..
I was starting getting worried that she's totally forgotten about me.. But sounds like she simply was busy with some other needy, demanding people!!!
I still truely believe that we do need more than one god..The number of people is growing (I don't even wanna start talking about sick (mentally/physically) people), the level of expectations are going higher, people are becoming more self centered and need more attention.. The list goes on and on.. Seeee only one god can't answer every singel of us!
Cuz personally I do need one for myself to help me out with people I'm dealing with!!!
I'm not sure if I'm a girl with no nerves whatsoever or the number of people who are marching, jumping, runing on my nerves are remarkebly increasing!!!
Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask:" Where have I gone wrong! How do I always end up with this kinda people??!!" Then a voice says to me:" This is going to take more than one night!"


Anonymous said...

You already have one, specified just for you my demanding creature….don’t worry, I’m all yours sweetie :))

Azin said...

hehehe you're gonna regret it.. like when rachal regret it like hell to be monica's maid of honor lol