Friday, January 26, 2007
باز هم قلبی به پایم افتاد
باز هم چشمی به رویم خیره شد
باز هم در گیرودار یک نبرد
عشق من بر قلب سردی چیره شد
باز هم از چشمه لبهای من
تشنه ای سیراب شد سیراب شد
باز هم در بستر آغوش من
رهرویی در خواب شد در خواب شد
بر دو چشمش دیده میدوزم به ناز
خود نمیدانم چه می جویم در او
عاشقی دیوانه میخواهم که زود
بگذرد از جاه و مال و آبرو
او شراب بوسه میخواهد ز من
من چه گویم قلب پر امید را
او به فکر لذت و غافل که من
طالبم آن لذت جاوید را
من صفای عشق میخواهم از او
تا فنا سازم وجود خویش را
او تنی میخواهد از من آتشین
تا بسوزاند در او تشویش را
او به من میگوید ای آغوش گرم
مست نازم کن که من دیوانه ام
من به او میگویم ای نا آشنا
بگذر از من من تو را بیگانه ام
آه از این دل آه از این جام امید
عاقبت بشکست و کس رازش نخواند
چنگ شد در دست هر بیگانه ای
ای دریغا کس به آوازش نخواند
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Forgiveness is not an occasional art; it is a permanent attitude
It's hard to find people who will love you no matter what. I found five of them. My family!!!
When I look back at my relationships all I remember is our laughters and beautiful memories.. I mean that’s what everyone does, right?.. People simply tend to forget what hurts them, or at least that’s what I used to think.. But then there are people who can't forget and by all means do not forgive! I mean after weeks, months and even years every here and then they remind you hey do you still remember that you hurt me??!! And I just wanna ask how "if I do or don’t remember" affect their lives? It’s just sad.. and I just hate it about people when they have this forgiving gesture without really meaning it..
I mean if you still have problem talk about it, if you don’t or do but don’t wanna talk about it then act like it!
Ok I’m saying it all cuz last night I’d been accused of been scared of commitment and responsibility and that I play with people’s hearts and that when it comes to serious stuff that affect my life I like to go into a shell and let other’s make the easy decision for me!!!!!!! And well I don't mind people criticizing me, but I hate it when they judge me.. But we all judge don't we?? As Stanford said: “We all judge. That's our hobby. Some people do arts and crafts; we judge."
But the question's that why when someone compliments us we smile, thank them and simply forget. But when they criticize us, even if what they say doesn't make any sense, we still let it bother us for a long time??!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
به نام حضرت دوست که قبل از هر چیز زیبا نام اوست. به نام او و شاکر او که سبب آشناییمان لطف و رحمت اوست. و اگر تو دل آزردیی بدین آشنایی بدان که آذین زنده و سرخوش است به سبب آن
چه دشوار است صحبت از رفتن و نبودنت.. پس بگذار خاطره ی اولین سلام را به یاد آوریم که من هنوز رفتنت را باور ندارم. آمدنت را چلچله ها خبر دادند..آمدنت را گرمای دلم در سرمای دی خبر داد و رفتنت را نمیدانم
که آیا بی خبری دلیل بر رفتن همیشگیست؟
و آیا بیخبران همان فراموش شدگانند؟
سوگند به پیمانی که بستیم هنوز رفتنت را باور ندارم..چرا که تو خود گفتی آمده ام که بمانم..و زمانی که برای آخرین بار در کنارت قرار گرفتم نمیدانستم که این زمان دیگر تکرار نمیشود..نمیدانستم که رفتنت را بازگشتی نیست و باید به خدایت بسپارم برای همیشه..که من به حرمت عهد بینمان باز سلام دارم
و اکنون که جغدان شوم بر سر کویمان قرار گرفته اند دریافته ام که دیگر تو را بازگشتی نیست..آنان خبر آورده اند که با کاروان از دیار دل من گذشتی
خدا به همراهت
و این زمان زمان مرگ انتظار سبز است
پس به خدایت میسپارم که همچون مرغان عشق به پرواز در آمده و امیدوارم که رسم زندگی را بیاموزی از این پرنده های عاشق
که عشق به آدمی آدمیت بخشید
چرا آدمیت رفت و انسان جستوجویش نکرد؟
و چرا آدمیت مرد و انسان در فراق آن گریه نکرد؟؟؟
"Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway.""
Does everyone freak out when it comes to driving in snow??!! And when you go out and your toes get all numb cuz the watery, cold snow is all in your shoes...And when someone else's driving and they're trying to have fun by making the car slip on the snow?!! And the whole concept of being cold and everything??!! These make you freak out too, right??!! I mean it's not just me..
Whyyy god has made the snow??!! What's with this cold weather and come on what's wrong with those happy people who are just smiling for having snow??!! And now I don't know which one's more on my nerves.. The cold weather OR the happy people!!!!!
Come on, we don't need to be happy all the time and it is OK to say you don't like something sometimes!!!!!!
Always happy, always optimistic people: you exasperate me and please stop it!!!
It's not even a month since I wrote the "spring in winter" and you saw how happy and thankful I was and this is not fair!!!
You sleep and next morning you just see without any big announcement or anything the whole city is white, which makes you shiver even when you watch it from inside!!!
I wanna move to somewhere warm.. Somewhere to lye down on the hot stones under the sun, just like snakes, and think of snow flakes as a fiction!!!!!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
If it sounds too good to be true...
How many of you believe in fairy tales? In prince charming, white horse and the kiss that lasts forever?
Once someone said you know how all the romantic movies finish happily ever after? And how people keep wondering what if real life was like a movie? Actually it is.. They meet each other, fall in love, start a life together and then you see "The End". And no body tells you what happens behind the curtains: when they start getting to know each other, get into fight with each other, find out about their differences and so on.
Every one of us start a "too good to be true" relationship and by the end of the first month (sometimes even a week!!!) we just realize it is not!!!
The truth is that there is no fairy tale and for sure no soul mate... I mean I don’t think that people are destined to end up together. I think that we fall in love and work hard, some days realllyyyy hard, at our relationships.
And by the end of each relationship we just learn that life goes on with or without them..
I don't remember where I read it but just loved it:
"Think about fairy tales. What if Prince Charming had never shown up? Would Snow White have laid in that glass box forever? Or would she have gotten up, spit out the apple, gotten a job and a health care plan and moved on with her life?"
I go with the second one;)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Share your happiness with others today...
This is my today's fortune: Share my happiness with others and when you're sick and it's hard to breathe and as soon as you wanna talk it makes you cough, it's really not easy to think of happiness AND sharing it with others lol
But I'd been thinking, why people usually tend to share when they're down and sad?? I mean look at people's profiles on "hi5" , "orkut" or wherever and look at their "about me" part.. How many do you find that say "I'm very happy and I'm thankful for that"?? Instead we find like thousands of profiles about being betrayed, hearts that have been broken, love that is not there anymore annnddd so on!!!
Why when we're happy we just share it with some but when we're down we're just willing to let the whole world knows how sad we are deep down??!!
And now that it's my responsibility to make you guys happy today!!! let me tell you something: the more you talk about what makes you sad, the more you think about it and more depress you get..soooo just let go..
Life goes on and my smile stays on...The show must go on;)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Spring in Winter
It's winter.. as soon as you think of winter especially here in Canada, you think of snow, wind chills, red noses and ears and of course frozen people..
But not this year.. This year it's like spring and I'm just loving it:)
And have you ever noticed how people are more friendly in nice weather??!! If I were god I would have made everywhere like California without thinking twice about ski lovers..after all if there were no snow nobody would ever think of skiing, right?
If I were god...wowww... Honestly I think I could do a better job.. no offence to her tho. She's already been great, but you know no body's perfect!!! (and I still don't know what made me think I am!!!)
Maybe we need more than one god..we need gods and Carrie said in "sex and the city" plus one's the loneliest number after all!
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