It's hard to find people who will love you no matter what. I found five of them. My family!!!
When I look back at my relationships all I remember is our laughters and beautiful memories.. I mean that’s what everyone does, right?.. People simply tend to forget what hurts them, or at least that’s what I used to think.. But then there are people who can't forget and by all means do not forgive! I mean after weeks, months and even years every here and then they remind you hey do you still remember that you hurt me??!! And I just wanna ask how "if I do or don’t remember" affect their lives? It’s just sad.. and I just hate it about people when they have this forgiving gesture without really meaning it..
I mean if you still have problem talk about it, if you don’t or do but don’t wanna talk about it then act like it!
Ok I’m saying it all cuz last night I’d been accused of been scared of commitment and responsibility and that I play with people’s hearts and that when it comes to serious stuff that affect my life I like to go into a shell and let other’s make the easy decision for me!!!!!!! And well I don't mind people criticizing me, but I hate it when they judge me.. But we all judge don't we?? As Stanford said: “We all judge. That's our hobby. Some people do arts and crafts; we judge."
But the question's that why when someone compliments us we smile, thank them and simply forget. But when they criticize us, even if what they say doesn't make any sense, we still let it bother us for a long time??!!
Very unique weblog, interesting pictures and love your writing.
very nice!
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ديگران را ببخش نه به اين خاطر که آنها لياقت بخشش تو را دارند بلکه به اين خاطر که تو لياقت داري که آرامش داشته باشي
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