Thursday, November 01, 2007

How Come We Can Land a Spaceship on the Moon, But I still Have To Brush My Teeth Every Night??!!

I'm not sure if I'm really in a good mood these days or I'm simply surrounded by funny people.. But people make me laugh with their comments.. I'll give you an example:
So this guy told me a couple of days ago that he knows what type of a girl I am.. Being curious to know what an stranger thinks about me I let him go on.. and he, very proudly, announced that: "You are type of a girl that sometimes sleep without brushing your teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I mean C'mon how many people you guys know that brush their teeth every single night? And if you know or you're one of them I'm really sorry to let you know that you or the person you know is a freak!
I'm serious!!! What type of a normal person doesn't have a night that suddenly decides to sleep over at a friend's, or passes out cuz of drinking/smoking too much... Or is just too tired to get up and brush those teeth??
You don't believe me? Let me tell you something.. My best friend back home studies psychology and she once told me that according to psychologists those group of people that do everything as they're supposed to do i.e. always obey the rules, never do anything wrong etc. etc. are just bunch of freaks.. Soooo whenever I did/do something stupid (which I should mention I have a talent in doing that) I just remind myself at least I'm normal...
You wanna prove you're normal?? Every now and then go crazy and make people around you crazy.. Do that and you'll see you've not only avoided being a freak, but also have thrown yourself miles away from getting old!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I think you are awesome!!!!!!!!!I mean it....

Azin said...

Awww Thank youu..Your comment made my day!!!! I mean it too;)